Hatteras Village Civic Association offers two spaces in the Village
for rent...the Civic Center and the Community Building. These
spaces are
appropriate for parties, seminars, business meetings, weddings and
other social and public gatherings. Please choose based on the
size of your event. Maximum attendance numbers are on the
individual leases. La
Asociación Cívica de Hatteras Village ofrece dos edificios en el
Village para alquilar, el Centro Cívico y el Edificio Comunitario.
Estos espacios son apropiados para fiestas, seminarios, reuniones de
negocios, bodas y otras reuniones sociales y públicas. Elija según el
tamaño de su evento. Los números máximos de asistencia están en los contratos de arrendamiento individuales.
The Civic Center
at 56658 on Hwy 12 on the northside of the Village, the Civic Center
offers a spacious area for larger parties and events. Situada
en 56658 en Hwy 12 en el lado norte de Village, el Centro Cívico ofrece
un área espaciosa para fiestas y eventos más grandes.
Contact Jan Willis: 252-986-2109 / 252-216-5508
Rates for Civic Center
You will find rates for various rentals on the rental agreement linked below Encontrará tarifas para varios alquileres en el contrato de alquiler vinculado abajo:
ATTENTION: Rates and rentals will change to serve you better effective January 1, 2023. Please plan accordingly. ATENCIÓN:
Las tarifas y los alquileres cambiarán para brindarle un mejor servicio
a partir del 1 de enero de 2023. Planifique en consecuencia.
Civic Center Rental/Alquiler del Centro Cívico
you are interested in renting the Civic Center for your event, please
see the documents linked below for detailed information, fees, any
additional necessary permits and building specs. Si
está interesado en alquilar el Centro Cívico para su evento, consulte
los documentos vinculados a continuación para obtener información
detallada, tarifas, permisos adicionales necesarios y especificaciones de construcción.
The Community Building
 Located at 57689 on Hwy 12 in the heart of the village the Community Building
offers an area for smaller parties and events, meetings and is perfect
for children’s events. We have adjusted the rental rates so it is an
affordable option for everyone. Situada en 57689 en la Hwy 12 en el corazón del pueblo, el edificio comunitario ofrece un área para fiestas y eventos más pequeños, reuniones y es perfecto para eventos infantiles. Hemos ajustado las tarifas de alquiler para que sea una opción asequible para todos.
Contact: Jan Willis – 252-986-2109 / 252-216-5508
Rates for Community Building
Please see the rental agreement for rates and fees. Consulte el contrato de alquiler para conocer las tarifas y tarifas.
ATTENTION: Rates and rentals will change to serve you better effective January 1, 2023. Please plan accordingly. ATENCIÓN: Las tarifas y los alquileres cambiarán para brindarle un mejor servicio a partir del 1 de enero de 2023. Planifique en consecuencia.
Community Building Rental/ Alquiler Del Edificio Comunitario
you are interested in renting the Community Building for your event,
please see the documents below for detailed information, fees, any
additional necessary permits and building specs. Si está interesado en alquilar el edificio comunitario para su evento, consulte los documentos a continuación para obtener información detallada, tarifas , cualquier permiso adicional necesario y especificaciones de construcción.

you are looking for a fun filled vacation, a place to raise your family
or a place to spend your retirement years then you are at the right
place. From fishing to surfing, water
activities are
unlimited. From the solitude of strolling miles of
beaches unlike nothing else in NC to enjoying small community life then
Hatteras Village is the place of your dreams.
Hatteras Village
located in Cape Hatteras
National Seashore. On their website they
describe the area as:
place to engage your senses. The sound of ocean waves, the
night sky, or the calm of the salt marshes, you can experience it all.
Shaped by the forces of water, wind, and storms these islands are ever
changing. The plants, wildlife, and people who live here adapt
continually. Whether you are walking on the beach, kayaking on the
sound, or climbing the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse there is something for
everyone to explore!